How can I help my students promote learner autonomy in english language learning?

TitleHow can I help my students promote learner autonomy in english language learning?
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsLi, Y
JournalEducational Journal of Living Theories
Start Page365
Date Published12/2009
Type of ArticlePractitioner research

This report involves the story of how I help my students as an English language teacher to develop learner autonomy in English language-learning. Over two months I help them define their goals, draw up plans, and work towards them. Students keep a journal on how they performed in their learning once a week. Meanwhile I show how I help to promote learner autonomy in the classroom by such processes as encouragement, persuasion and independent learning-observations. I show how I, with my colleagues’ support and cooperation, collect data through classroom observations, my own journal, reading the students’ journals, and talking to them, to find the evidence to help in the development of their learning autonomy. I choose three students as particular subjects in the research and show in detail how I help them to recognize their methodological and linguistic weaknesses, and how I help to improve their attitudes to learning, and to accomplish their own goals by using some effective learning strategies.

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