Review of Marie Huxtable’s doctoral thesis, ‘How do I Evolve Living-Educational-Theory Praxis in Livingboundaries?’

TitleReview of Marie Huxtable’s doctoral thesis, ‘How do I Evolve Living-Educational-Theory Praxis in Livingboundaries?’
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsWhitehead, J
Refereed DesignationNon-Refereed
JournalEducational Journal of Living Theories
Start Page103
Date Published12/2016
Type of Articlereview of doctoral thesis

This thesis offers four original contributions to knowledge:

  1. Living-Educational-Theory praxis, highlighting the fundamental importance of educators creating 'valuesbased explanation of their educational influences in learning' (Whitehead, 1989), as they research to develop praxis within living-boundaries.
  2. Living-boundaries as co-creative space within which energy-flowing values can be clarified and communicated.
  3. Inclusive gifted and talented education developed from an educational perspective, which enables each learner to develop and offer talents, expertise and knowledge as lifeaffirming and life-enhancing gifts. The knowledge is that created of the world, of self, and self in and of the world.
  4. Living-Theory TASC, a relationally-dynamic and multidimensional approach to research and developing praxis, which integrates Living-Theory (Whitehead, 1989) with Thinking Actively in a Social Context (TASC) (Wallace & Adams, 1993).
Short TitleHow do I evolve livingeducational- theory praxis in livingboundaries?
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