Cairns, H. & Harney, I, B. (2014) Four Circles – Customs that are Law in an Aboriginal Cosmoscape: Justice, Mercy and Survival in Bill Harney’s Imulun Wardaman Aboriginal Spiritual Law.

TitleCairns, H. & Harney, I, B. (2014) Four Circles – Customs that are Law in an Aboriginal Cosmoscape: Justice, Mercy and Survival in Bill Harney’s Imulun Wardaman Aboriginal Spiritual Law.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsMasters, K1Whitehead, J
Refereed DesignationDoes Not Apply
JournalEducational Journal of Living Theories
Start Page114
Date Published6/2017
Type of Articlebook review

This review is written, September 2016, (in the U.K.), from a Living Theory and Action Research perspective with embodied values, and is posted on a Living Theory website with reach to specific global networks. (nb. It has been slightly modified, June 2017). It is for general readers as well as research-practitioners working in the field/the Academy. We append a short note on Action-Research which might be helpful for any review reader working in the interfaces with/relating to Indigenous people who may wish to further improve practice/deepen understanding with Living Theories.

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