My living-educational-theory of place-based learning as a means to move towards a more socially just pedagogy in teacher education

TitleMy living-educational-theory of place-based learning as a means to move towards a more socially just pedagogy in teacher education
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsSebele, F1Wood, L1Toit, Adu
Refereed DesignationRefereed
JournalEducational Journal of Living Theories
Start Page49
Date Published12/2023
Type of ArticleLiving Theory

I researched my practice as a lecturer in a teacher education college in Zimbabwe as I was concerned that my teaching was not assisting students to realise their potential for independent thinking and knowledge creation and preparing them with appropriate skills and knowledge for life and work in the 21stcentury. I believe both aspects of education are essential in teacher preparation. There are injustices in the way the curriculum is enacted. I therefore focussed this research on improving learning to integrate social justice values into my practice and how to liberate my students and myself from traditional didactic pedagogy. I opted for Place-Based Learning as a teaching strategy since it has been shown to promote student engagement, critical thinking, innovation and reflexivity by embedding the learning in the social reality of the students. I collected and analysed data in the form of interviews, reflective diaries, and student assignments to enhance my learning to improve my practice and as evidence to support my knowledge claims that I had enabled students to become producers rather than just consumers of knowledge; fostered inclusion; and enabled transformative learning, all of which heightened student awareness of the need to make their future teaching more socially relevant and just. I conclude by proposing guidelines for professional practitioners in any educational context using Place-Based Learning to facilitate learning intended to promote students’ inclusion, democratic knowledge generation, and active participation.

Florence Sebele, North-West University, South Africa. ORCHID iD 0000-0001-9337-8958

Lesley Wood, North-West University, South Africa. ORCID iD 0000-0002-9139-1507

Adri du Toit, North-West University, South Africa. ORCID iD 0000-0002-3354-6830


Copyright: © 2023 Sebele; Wood; du Toit. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Submitted 05/07/2023 Accepted for publication 22/12/23

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