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Welcome to the Educational Journal of Living Theories (EJOLTs)

EJOLTs is the publishing arm of Living Educational Theory Research  (LETR)

Living Educational Theory Research is a form of values-led, professional practitioner, educational research.

EJOLTs – the Educational Journal of Living Theories – is a free-access and open-access journal published solely online.

  • EJOLTs and its contributors aim to improve the quality of values-laden professional practice and theorising. 
  • EJOLTs publishes content from contributors who are professional practitioners ; they seek to live their values of human flourishing more fully in their practice – and also to help others do so.
  • EJOLTs contributors work in various professional spheres, such as education, healthcare and administration, as well as across many countries and diverse cultural and global contexts; they are concerned with issues that involve strong ethical and moral perspectives.

EJOLTs embraces a Diamond Open Access policy; the research published in the journal is free of charge to both authors and readers and is openly accessible online to all. Articles are published under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC BY-NC). Papers are currently published on the site as soon as they have successfully passed through the journal's review processes and been accepted by the Editorial Board for publication.

EJOLTs welcomes individually and co-authored papers. For EJOLTs publishing requirements, see the drop-down menu Submitting to EJOLTs above. If you need extra assistance, then please contact the editor,  who will be delighted to hear from you and will do everything possible to help.

Hoping that you will be submitting your paper very soon . . .

N.B. The content of this site will develop with the help of those who use it. If you have any questions or comments,  please contact the EJOLTS editor who will provide you with the most up-to-date information.


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