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EJOLTs Purpose, Scope and Aims


EJOLTs was founded in 2008 as a contribution to values-led theory and practice around the world, progressing new avenues of enquiry and communication. The values referred to are those at the heart of Living Educational Theory Research – intrinsic and life-enhancing values, such as justice, equity, freedom, compassion, courage, care and democratic evaluation.

The overall process of researching, writing and publishing Living Educational Theory Research accounts within EJOLTs follows a unique course. It involves a collective effort within a collaborative community of practice. 

EJOLTs offers a unique opportunity for practitioners:

  • to generate and contribute valid, multimedia accounts of their values-led research to grow a global knowledgebase all may learn from
  • to find support to develop their values-led research within a global community of professional practitioner educational researchers who stand firmly in their lives for the life-enhancing values of human flourishing that make the planet a better place for all.

Published accounts of research are of the academic, intellectual and scholarly quality expected of an international peer-reviewed journal, in a way that is consistent with EJOLTs cooperative democratic educational values.

Well-defined publishing criteria are made publically accessible for use as a basis for evaluating whether a paper is within the scope of EJOLTs, supporting authors to strengthen their research and papers, and informing the decision of the Editorial Board to publish. Through publishing Living Educational Theory Research accounts, EJOLTs claims to have educational influence in learning. 


The Educational Journal of Living Theories is a free-access and open-access journal solely published online. Submitted papers should be of an appropriate scholarly standard for publication in an academic journal. They should include distinguishing qualities of a Living Educational Theory Research methodology and / or make a contribution to the field of Living Educational Theory Research. Practitioner-researchers are encouraged to submit accounts that include multimedia narratives and include other non-textual forms of expression. All accounts submitted for publication undergo a rigorous peer review, based on an initial editor screening followed by a double-blind review carried out by a minimum of two referees.

EJOLTS is committed to publishing the accounts of practitioner-researchers from a wide range of global, social, cultural and professional contexts that explain their educational influences in their own learning, in the learning of others and in the learning of social formations. The journal focuses on personal journeys and collaborative pathways that explain educational influences in learning in terms of values, skills and understandings that the researcher believes carries hope for the future of humanity and their own.


  1.  To contribute to establishing globally Living Educational Theory Research as a distinct and legitimate academic, intellectual and scholarly paradigm and research methodology.
  2. To make scholarly contributions to the academic literature based on enquiries informed by the practice and principles of Living Educational Theory Research [LETR}.
  3. To facilitate access by educational researchers to accounts of LETR that will help them to strengthen their descriptions and explanations of their own enquiries.
  4. To support practitioner researchers at all points of their journey engaging with LETR methodology – that journey ideally extending throughout a professional life, with periodic publication of the individual's latest living-educational-theory. 


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