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Submission Guidelines

The Educational Journal of Living Theories is a free-access and open-access journal solely published online. Papers are now published on the site as soon as they have successfully gone through the review processes and been accepted by the Editorial Board for publication.

The paper should be between 5,000 and 12,000 words in extent (excluding title and abstract but including references, appendices, footnotes, acknowledgements). Keep in mind that the shorter the paper the more likely it is to be read.

Submitted papers should be of an appropriate scholarly standard for publication in an academic journal. They should include distinguishing qualities of a Living Educational Theory Research methodology and / or make a contribution to the field of Living Educational Theory Research. Practitioner-researchers are encouraged to submit accounts that include multimedia narratives and include other non-textual forms of expression. Accounts need to include a clear communication of the values that form the explanatory principles and evaluative standards of judgment. All accounts submitted for publication undergo a rigorous peer review, based on an initial editor screening followed by a double-blind review carried out by a minimum of two referees.

To submit your paper, please send two MS Word (.doc or .docx) or Open Office (.odt) files as attachments to an email to the EJOLTs editor, including a note that includes your details as communicating author. One file should be 'anonymised' ready for blind review; the other file should be the full paper and include the author/s' affiliation/institution, ORCID iD/s and email/s.

Submissions - format etc

Access this link to view a standard published EJOLTs paper

First page should contain (only):

  • The title of the paper,
  • Name(s) of the author(s),
  • The institution, affiliation or location of each author and their ORCID iD
  • The name and email of the corresponding author
  • An abstract (maximum 230 words)
  • Keywords (maximum of five keywords – which enable your paper to be found by web search engines.

Second page should begin with:

  • the title of the paper
  • the abstract
  • the keywords. 


  • Level A Heading – Use Title Case, Bold, 14pt. Arial.
  • Level B heading – Use sentence case, bold, 12pt Arial, indented
  • Level C heading – Use sentence case, italics, 12pt. Arial. indented

Main text:

  • 12pt. Calibri. Fully justified.
  • Paragraph spacing one hard return.
  • Quoted passages shorter than 20 words are contained within the main text and within "...." quotation marks and indicate author/s, date and page number.
  • Quoted passages longer than 20 words are set as separate paragraph, indented and within "...." quotation marks and indicate author/s, date and page number.
  • Put terms minted/invented by the author or used in a novel context in '...' quotation marks e.g. The 'respectful editor'. Ensure the use of such such terms is justified and clarified in the text.
  • Use ellipsis ( ... ) with space either side; 'en-dash' ( – ) also with space either side.
  • 'et al' and 'ie'  to be written as – i.e. and et al.
  • Only include images and video that are referred to in the text; each should be included in the reference list.
  • All Figures, Tables, Illustrations, Images, captioned as Figure 1. Title of image 12pt. Calibri.
  • All Videos, Audio files – include the full url of their storage location.
  • Use APA 6th Edition format for all references and in text citations. The easiest way of getting it right is to use one of the numerous free citation generators available on the web e.g. the citation generator at is free and works well.
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