Editorial Board
The Editorial Board currently comprises 10 active members and is responsible for overseeing the progress of content from submission to publication. The Editorial Board also works with the Development Board to implement policy, organisational development and strategy. Living Educational Theory Research is a form of professional practitioner educational research. The practices of members of the Editorial Board reflect the diversity of, not only the cultural contexts but also the fields of practice, that gives rise to the accounts published by EJOLTs.
Jack Whitehead, DLitt (Hon), PhD. Affiliations: North-West University, (South Africa), University of Cumbria and Edge Hill University, (United Kingdom), Ningxia University (China).
Jack is the progenitor of Living Educational Theory Research. This approach evolved during his research journey from the 1970s when he, as a science teacher faced with challenging students, began to research his question, "how can I improve what I am doing?". He joined the University of Bath (UK) in the 1980's to develop and establish Living Educational Theory Research as an accepted academic paradigm and methodology. He worked with Branko in 2008 to create EJOLTs as a platform for professional practitioners to contribute their educational, values-laden knowledge to the growth of global knowledge with values of human flourishing. Jack continues to work with professional practitioners working in diverse fields of practice and cultural contexts developing their knowledge, understanding and practice of Living Educational Theory Research. He uses various video conferencing tools to present at conferences, run workshops and support groups worldwide. His publications and the groups he is supporting can be found on Jack's website and platforms like LinkedIn. Worcester Univerisity (UK) recognised Jack's global contribution to the development of educational theory and practice with values of human flourishing by awarding him a D.Litt. degree Honoris causa in 2023.
Branko Bognar, PhD. Affiliations: University of Osijek (Croatia)
Branko started his professional career in 1987 after two years of study as a teacher in a small Croatian school. After completing his pedagogical study, he worked for the next 12 years as a pedagogue in a primary school trying to assist teachers whose aim was to break from the boundaries of traditional teaching. In 2005 he became an assistant professor at the Department of Pedagogy at the Philosophical Faculty at the University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek. In 2003 he successfully completed his Masters at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Zagreb. His dissertation had the title "Critical-emancipatory approach to a professional development of primary school teachers," In December 2008 he successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled, "The possibility of becoming a teacher-action-researcher through e-learning". He has presented papers about the experiences of a two-year collaboration and critical friendship with Dr. Moira Laidlaw who then facilitated Teaching Methodologies with Action Research in Ningxia Teachers University in Guyuan, China. He has been a member of the editorial board of the Croatian Journal for the Philosophy of Education "Metodički ogledi" from 2001. Branko collaborated with Jack Whitehead to establish EJOLTs in 2008. Currently, Branko holds the position of full professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek, Croatia. He remains dedicated to enhancing teachers' professional development and e-learning for teachers working with young learners across various key stages and curriculum areas. Branko has presented at numerous international conferences and published widely. Many of his publications can be accessed from google scholar and ResearchGate.
Swaroop Sampat- Rawal, DLitt. (Hon), PhD. Affiliations: Sadar Patel University (India)
Swaroop has been Miss India, a Bollywood actress before devoting her time to working as an independent educational researcher. Her work as an educator was inspired by the government of India's educational program with a mission statement, ‘Each One Teach One’. It meant that each educated Indian could teach at least one unlettered countrymen. Swaroop believes that an educated citizen should be a valued part of an educational community and we, as educated citizens, have the responsibility to bring about change in the educational system in our country. She now works in life skills education using drama as a method to teach. Her students include children in Primary School and adults doing their Masters at university. She is also a teacher trainer. Swaroop is the non-government member of the Indian Central Advisory Board of Education, a member of the advisory board of Save the Children (India) and the newly formed Maharashtra International Education Board and has been appointed to the National Focus Group to write the position papers for the new school curriculum – the first time it has been re-written in more than 35 years. She runs workshops around the world and publishes widely academic papers and workbooks for children and teachers. Many of Swaroop's publications can be found on google scholar and presentations on YouTube. Swaroop's X(twitter) postings have an extensive Indian and international following. Worcester University (UK) recognised the contribution Swaroop has made to the global growth of theory and practice with values of human flourishing by awarding her a D.Litt. degree Honoris causa in 2018. Swaroop's living-poster gives a quick overview of her work.
Máirín Glenn, PhD. Affiliations: Network Educational Action Research in Ireland (NEARI), Maynooth University (Ireland), Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI).
Máirín developed her holistic practice through reflection, action and theorising as a primary teacher, teaching principal and as a teacher-educator. Since successfully completing her doctoral thesis she has developed her practice as an educational consultant, programme designer and supervisor, author, co-convener of the Network of Educational Action Research in Ireland (NEARI) and the Educational Action Research Special Interest Group of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI). Máirín is currently president of ESAI. She has published extensively and many of her publications can be found here.
Peter Mellett, MA. Affilitations: Re-alliance (Global Regenerative Development Organisation); Colerne Community Land Trust.
Born 1946 in London, Pete's formal education includes BSc chemistry (University of Nottingham, 1968) and MA in education (University of Bath, 1995). He developed his practice firstly as a secondary school science teacher, then as a science writer / editor, and finally as a curriculum developer for MSc distance learning programmes at the University of Bath. He also served for 14 years on his local Magistrates' bench. Since then he has been developing his practice as a community activist contributing to the provision of affordable housing via his local Community Land Trust. He is also involved in the work of Re-alliance, which is a global organisation with a regenerative vision that reaches beyond sustainability, for the humanitarian and development sectors. He has been actively involved in Living Educational Theory Research since the early 1990s and formally with EJOLTs since 2010. His guiding value is social justice.
Brian Williamson, PhD. Affiliations: University of Bolton (UK).
Brian is a Fellow of the RSA (The Royal Society for Arts, manufactures and commerce). An overview of Brian's work synthesising Mathematics and Art is provided by his living-poster. Brian has been a Senior Lecturer in Education and Early Childhood Studies at Liverpool John Moores University (UK) and an Honorary Fellow at the University of Liverpool (UK). He is currently a faculty member at the University of Greater Manchester (UK) supervising doctoral programmes and working on a Living Mathematics approach to teaching and research. He was a full - time independent one - to - one tutor for over 20 years supporting children, adults and families all over Merseyside. He is working towards a greater understanding of the relationship between LETR, magical realism and arts-based research. Some of Brian's publications can be found on google scholar
Suresh Nanwani, PhD. Affiliations: Durham University (UK), Shoolini University (India), Southwest University of Political Science and Law (China).
Since 2008, Suresh has lectured in various countries including Australia, China, Indonesia, India, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, and the United Kingdom on international financial institutions, accountability and governance, organization development, ikigai, Living Educational Theory Research, and Appreciate Inquiry. He was Secretary and Executive Council Member of Society of International Economic Law, a global organization for academics, practitioners, government officials and student on IEL research, practice and development (2015-2023). He is currently Professor in Practice, Durham University, School of Government and International Affairs (UK); and Emeritus Professor, Shoolini University (India). He is as an Accredited Mediator with the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution, UK. He is Associate Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation, US; and a Practitioner with Global Individual Accreditation from the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) Global. Some of his publications can be found on LinkedIn and the Shoolini University website. Suresh’s living-poster introduces Human Connections: Teaching experiences in Chongqing, China and Beyond (2022), which is an account of his learning and teaching journey with his students.
Samantha Kahts-Kramer, PhD. Affiliations: North-West University (South Africa)
Sam first encountered Living Educational Theory Research during her doctoral studies. Her primary goal was to enhance her professional practice as a continuing professional development facilitator within Human Movement Sciences, where she identified transformative participation as her guiding value. Over the past 13 years, she has lectured extensively, continually exploring how to apply this value in diverse contexts, including her work with students, colleagues, management, and community members. She is currently a Senior Lecturer at North-West University (South Africa). Her research focuses on integrating entrepreneurial education and self-leadership in Biokinetics, advancing teaching and learning practices in coaching sciences and physical education, facilitating transformative professional development, and improving rehabilitation practices. Her living-poster provides an overview of her work. Many of Sam's publications can be found on google scholar.
Joy Mounter, PhD.
Joy started her journey with Living Educational Theory Research as a class teacher when she joined a Masters programme Jack was running at the University of Bath (UK). She continued and completed her Masters when researching her practice as a deputy head teacher and then a head teacher. When she moved into HE as a lecturer, she began her doctoral research researching into her practice supporting the professional development of educators. During her time as an HE practitioner she created the first Living Educational Research Masters and Apprenticeship programmes to be accepted and validated by a university. Building on the idea of living-posters Joy developed living-interactive-posters as a starting place for students new to Living Educational Theory Research. Newman University also accepted the living-interactive-posters students produced as an innovative, educational form of assessment. Joy is currently developing her practice employed as a Safeguarding Researcher with an English policeforce.
Marie Huxtable, PhD. Affiliation: University of Cumbria (UK).
Since her 36 year long career as an educational psychologist ended Marie has had a contract as a visiting research fellow with the University of Cumbria (UK). She has focussed on providing support for professional practitioners worldwide developing their knowledge, understanding and practice of Living Educational Theory Research, and contributed to conferences, workshops and publications nationally and internationally. Many of her publications can be found on her website. During 2013 Marie took on the role of lead editor of EJOLTs.