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Submitting to EJOLTs

EJOLTs Publishes:

  • Two main types of academic paper:

– Research reports that include the distinguishing qualities of Living Educational Theory Research.

– Theoretical papers that make a contribution to the field of Living Educational Theory Research.

  • Research reports in the form of academic posters that include the distinguishing qualities of Living Educational Theory Research (publishing criteria, advice to authors).
  • Reviews of books, theses and other publications of potential interest to professional. practitioners developing their professionalism and knowledge, understanding and practice of Living Educational Theory Research. 

Publishing Criteria

Submitted papers should be of an appropriate scholarly standard for publication in an academic journal. They should include distinguishing qualities of a Living Educational Theory Research methodology and / or make a contribution to the field of Living Educational Theory research. Practitioner-researchers are encouraged to submit accounts that include multimedia narratives and include other non-textual forms of expression. Accounts need to include a clear communication of the values that form the explanatory principles and evaluative standards of judgment.

Review Process

All accounts submitted for publication undergo a rigorous peer review, based on an initial editor screening followed by a double-blind review carried out by a minimum of two referees. Use the drop-down menu items to check the submission guidelines – e.g. the typographical styles and physical layout of the paper, 'House rules' etc, and how to submit to EJOLTs for review and publishing. Please note that all submissions go through a similar three-stage review process:

  1. Double-blind review
  2. Open review
  3. Editorial Board review for the final decision to publish.

Authors should consult the following when working on their paper and before submitting:







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