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Archive 2022

2022 Volume 15, Issue 1

What can be learned from the novel experiences the last couple of years dealing with the pandemic has offered? What might help us each to realise our very best intent of learning to live more humanely, a satisfying, productive and worthwhile life for our selves and others?

The isolation of the last couple of years has highlighted the importance for individuals and communities to literally see they are not alone as they engage in values-led research. During the lockdown we were not able to ‘see’ others in, for example, place-based conferences. Connecting with people through video conferencing opened new possibilities, though seeing people from the neck up in two dimensions on a screen full of ‘boxes’ has its limitations. Other ways have been developed to enable people to ‘see’ themselves in not only local communities but also to see they are in a global context and part of conversations, which transcend time and place. For example, explore the ‘living-posters homepage’ to be found on the right hand menu of; explore the contents of EJOLTs.

As you read the content of this latest issue, and dip into the archive, I hope you see you are not alone and you find energy and ideas that excite your imagination as to how you might improve your values-led practice. I also hope you experience the generosity of the authors freely offering what they have learned and feel inspired to not only generate valid accounts of your living-educational-theories but to also offer them as gifts for readers of EJOLTs, and help others to do so too. In the process we each help to bring a bit more humanity into the world, which is the purpose of the whole exercise.


Williamson, B. Editorial Foreword 2022,15(1): i-iv


Branch, J. An autoethnography of my educational values 2022, 15(1) 1-25
Bijker, F. Intention and Reflection, Doing and Dialogue 2022, 15(1) 26-42
Delong, J. A Living Educational Theory Research in Cultures of Inquiry: an approach to professional development 2022, 15(1) 43-66

Book Reviews

Huxtable, M. Book Review - A review of Nanwani, S. (2022). Human Connections: Teaching experiences in Chongqing, China and beyond. Singapore: Suresh Nanwani. 2022, 15(1) 67-70
Whitehead, J. A review of Frankl, V. (2019). ‘Yes to Life: In spite of everything’. UK: Penguin, Random House 2022, 15(1) 71-72

2022, Volume 15, Issue 2

As EJOLTs is an online journal it is not constrained by having to gather content to meet printing-press deadlines. So, the Editorial Board decided that 2022, volume 15, issue 2 would be the last ‘time bound’ issue. The EJOLTs publishing criteria remains the same and papers will still be subjected to a rigorous review process. However, in future content will be published as soon as the Editorial Board accepts and prepares it for publication. We hope you the change will enable you to look forward to creating and submitting accounts of your Living Educational Theory Research without the pressure of inappropriate deadlines. 

The EJOLTs Editorial Board continues to be very keen to publish high quality papers and to support professional practitioner educational researchers to develop their knowledge, understanding and practice of Living Educational Theory Research in the process. If you need help have a look on the 'advice for authors' page and contact us - EJOLTS editor - and we will do whatever we can to help.

Looking forward to hearing from you and hoping you will be submitting your paper very soon. EJOLTs Editorial Board

Mellett, P., Whitehead, J., Laidlaw, M. & Huxtable, M. Editorial Foreword 2022, 15(2): i-vii



Kennedy, A.

How my Living Educational Theory Research is helping me to improve my practice as a primary school teacher, in supporting children to recognise and manage their anxiety

2022, 15(2) 1-29



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